BulArgo is developed as a project supported by Bulgarian National Science Fund, Ministry of education, youth and science. The purpose of the project was to develop a new national marine research infrastructure for in situ observation in Black Sea, based on autonomous profiling floats as a Bulgarian component of the Euro Argo network. The main objective of the BulArgo project was to deploy and make operational an array of 4-5 floats during the 3 years of project execution. In addition, it was necessary to work on several key issues taking into account Black Sea peculiarities: technical (float technology, data management and delivery system) and organizational (logistics for deployment) issues. Significant efforts were dedicated to consolidate and broaden the user community and to demonstrate: via scientific exploitation of data the impact and utility of Argo floats in the Black Sea. The Bulgarian contribution to the establishment of the future Black Sea Argo system was of 4 drifting buoys deployed during the project implementation: 3 floats in year 2011 and one float in 2013.
BulArgo at present is one of the major components of MASRI – Infrastructure for sustainable development in the field of marine research and participation in the European infrastructure Euro-Argo – a project, part of the National Roadmap for Scientific Infrastructure (2020-2027) of the Republic of Bulgaria. The implementation of MASRI began in 2018 and is a main funding mechanism of BulArgo. The same year Bulgaria has become a regular member of Euro-Argo ERIC.