IO-BAS team successfully deployed two BGC Argo floats (WMO 7901065 and 4903711) in the Black Sea from R/V Mare Nigrum during H2020 DOORS cruise № 1. These floats are PROVOR CTS4, amoBulSrgo ng the most sophisticated elements of the Argo fleet, manufactured by NKE in France. Both floats are programmed to cycle every 10 days and to profile down to a maximal pressure of 2000 metres, while parking depth is set to 750 metres. They are currently the only Argo floats in the Black Sea that measure variables beyond Temperature, Salinity, and Oxygen (also measuring CHLA, IRRADIANCE and NITRATE). The floats integrate Iridium satellite telemetry system which provides a dual telecommunication capability allowing modification of the configuration in near real-time.
Figure 1: Deployment positions of the BGC Argo floats (WMO 7901065 & 4903711) launched in the western Black Sea